The objective of these Workshops is to discuss the importance of the technological medium of telematics networks in general, and REDIMadrid in particular, for the development of leading research activities at world level.

15 Apr 2008
Cars will be capable of exchanging information between one another and the surrounding area thanks to Internet and Wi-Fi connections, preventing accidents and traffic jams. However, the first vehicles of this kind will not arrive until 2015.

09 Apr 2008
Nowadays we can connect to the Internet in a great many places: at home, at work, in cafés, airports etc. And we are starting to become accustomed to all the services and applications that being connected provides in our everyday lives. Connecting vehicles is a natural step that will provide numerous advantages. These benefits will include bringing the more traditional applications (Web surfing, e-mail access or multimedia downloads) to our car seat, connecting the many devices that we already have installed in our cars (onboard computers, music and video players, sensors etc) to the Internet to stay up to date and inform us of possible problems, or arranging an appointment with the garage automatically when needed.

19 Feb 2008
Gonzalo Camarillo, a member of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Networks, has been appointed as a member of the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) - a body of 12 experts who play a major role in the evolution of the Internet. The IAB is a committee of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that oversees the technical and engineering development of the Internet by the Internet Society (ISOC).

12 Feb 2008
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Maxemchuk takes up position as Chief Researcher at IMDEA Networks.

29 Jan 2008
Over the next decade mobile Technologies will be perfected and the car network will become a reality. Hari Balakrishnan: Head of Department of Technology, Massachusetts and member of IMDEA Networks Scientific Council.

24 Jan 2008
The expertise of Spanish research groups are beginning to spill over into the private sector thanks to new European initiatives. Projects, such as EUROINGENIO and IMDEA Networks, which promote the mutual and continuous exchange of knowledge, are transferring to Spanish companies the tremendous success that has recently been observed in its R&D sector.

29 Nov 2007
Dr. Bagnulo is a Professor at the University of Carlos III and works as a scientific researcher, in collaboration with the international research institute, IMDEA Networks.

27 Aug 2007
We live in a globalised world in which the generation of knowledge is the essential raw material for the creation of wealth. This fact, so often repeated, is so evident that developing countries such as China and India already invest as much as developed countries in the generation of new scientific knowledge. They are developing structures to transform this knowledge into technology, which later will be applied by businesses in new processes, products and services considered innovative by the markets.

05 Jul 2007
On June 26th IMDEA Networks met with leading industry representatives, whose companies have been invited to provide representatives to its Board of Trustees, as well as other key stakeholders in the new international research institute.