Arturo Azcorra acted as Director of IMDEA Networks from its inception until very recently, when he was appointed as Director General of Technology Transfer and Business Development within the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
He has been interviewed by Madrimasd about the national strategy for innovation. We reproduce here the full text of this interview published on March 10th.

08 Mar 2010
The Audit of the European Project CARMEN (CARrrier grade MEsh Networks) conducted in Madrid on March 3rd and 4th has been concluded with excellent results. Testbed demonstrations and presentations won the approval of European Commission reviewers present for their successful account of the project’s research objectives.

17 Feb 2010
Following the creation of non-for-profit subsidized research centres specialized in strategic areas, Madrid has consolidated its role as an alternative to the Icrea in Catalonia.

12 Feb 2010
The significant increase of traffic accidents on European roads as a result of the growing demand and concentration of vehicles and drivers over the last decade, has driven .EU countries to take action in the shape of political and financial cooperation. The European Commission (EC) and the automotive industry have committed themselves to halving loss of life by 2010. In this context, and since 2008, IMDEA-Networks, in collaboration with NETCOM Research Group from University Carlos III of Madrid, have been actively involved in the development of GeoNet (Geoaddressing and Georouting for vehicular communications) project. This project concluded on January 29th at INRIA’s premises in Paris, with the celebration of a Final Workshop, which consisted of a joint public presentation of its achievements.

04 Feb 2010
GeoNet concluded its activity with its Final Workshop that took place 29 January 2010 in INRIA’s premises in Paris, France. IPv6 GeoNetworking was presented together with its link with the related ITS development in CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium, CVIS implementation and ETSI TC ITS standardization. Moreover the functionalities of IPv6 GeoNetworking was shown in a real system including 3 cars, 2 road-side units and a control center. A (very simple) enhanced driver awareness application was demonstrated and numerous attendees could enjoy a ride to see the achievement.

18 Jan 2010
The Regional Government of Madrid and University Carlos III collaborate in the building of an International centre of excellence in network communications research.

14 Jan 2010
Interview: Albert Banchs, Deputy Director of the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Networks – IMDEA Networks.

26 Nov 2009
18 projects have been awarded funding and 9 the ranking of “CEI 2009” (Campus of Excellence 2009).
Nine projects coordinated by 11 universities will receive more than 103 million Euros to startup their “Strategic Plans for conversion to International Campus of Excellence”.

18 Nov 2009
Digital audio-visual (AV) content is today a medium that is in high demand by home users, thanks to the continuous technical development of electronic devices that achieve a quality of output that was not long ago the unique preserve of professionals. The digital video camera, for example, is now an everyday reality, which in the era of social networks, has created a follow-up demand for innovative services that allow users to manage, share and distribute their AV output. The leap from traditional, text-based information exchange was brought about by instant messaging and blogging, which constitute the basis of social networking. Nowadays, the growing demand for tools to enhance the exchange of media content (particularly AV) is simply a natural development of this trend towards collaborating and sharing and with others via telecommunications technology –first came text, now we complement it with photos and video streaming – which constitutes a defining factor of contemporary society, expressed most forcefully as a pervasive and ever increasing need to be here, now, with others, available, ready: in touch with the dynamic virtual community.

22 Oct 2009
The appointment by the Spanish Council of Ministers of Dr. Arturo Azcorra Saloña, former Director of IMDEA Networks, asDirector General for Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurial Development at the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has given a new boost to the Madrid Institutes for Advances Studies IMDEA. His experience in the creation of value and wealth in the Madrid region via technology transfer of scientific and technological advances to industry and society, will now have an impact on the elaboration and implementation of policies oriented to boost Spain’s long-term competitiveness.