Dr. Widmer brings to the team extensive experience in areas including wireless and peer-to-peer communications, ad-hoc networking, Internet architectures, protocol design and transport issues such as congestion control.

16 Aug 2010
Institute IMDEA Networks is to participate in MEDIEVAL, a new project that aims to enable today's mobile internet architecture to handle the efficient distribution of high-quality video.

28 Jul 2010
It is with profound regret that Institute IMDEA Networks announces the death of long-time collaborator Dr. Nicolas D. Georganas. Dr Georganas, 67, passed away last Tuesday, July 27th. He was Distinguished University Professor at the School of Information Technology and Engineering (SITE) and founding Dean of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Engineering. Dr. Georganas was Visiting Researcher at Institute IMDEA Networks and Cátedra de Excelencia at University Carlos III of Madrid during the academic year 2008-2009.

19 Jul 2010
A new German office jointly founded by Institute IMDEA Networks, NEC Laboratories Europe and Technische Universität Darmstadt will bring together researchers from all three organizations to address issues including Green ICT and advanced Internet multimedia.

09 Jul 2010
The Institute IMDEA Networks is taking innovative steps to identify, engage with and attract brilliant young scientists who will help shape the future internet. The Institute is extending its outreach to researchers around the World by using the internet itself as its preferred channel of communication, establishing an active presence on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

07 Jul 2010
Researchers' Night is a festive event covered by the PEOPLE Programme, 7th European Framework Programme, to be held in more than 250 European cities on the night of 24th September 2010.

30 Jun 2010
IMDEA Networks' Second Annual International Workshop, this year addressing Energy Efficiency and Networking, brought together members of the institute's Scientific Council, representatives of industry and prominent researchers.

21 Jun 2010
Spain has grown more than the rest of Europe over the past years, but the country is now forced to transform its economy into a sustainable model. The Director of the official body promoting innovation amongst companies states that the Government already started this process back in 2004 by pledging its firm commitment to R+D+i.

14 Jun 2010
The Minister of Science and Innovation of Spain, Ms. Cristina Garmendia presided this afternoon, at the main offices of the Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, CDTI, over the swearing-in ceremony of Arturo Azcorra Saloña as Director General of said body.

12 Mar 2010
The European Investment Bank (EIB), through its Human Capital Division, has granted the Madrid Regional Government an 80 million Euros loan in matching funds to be used in the acquisition of equipment and the hiring of researchers at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA). The Regional government will, therefore, add to the same end another 80 million Euros of its own, raising the total to 160 million Euros. The agreement was signed on 12 March 2010 by Esperanza Aguirre, President of the Madrid Regional Government, and Carlos Da Silva Costa, Vice-president of the European Investment Bank.