Accurate indoor localization has the potential to transform the way people navigate indoors in a similar way that GPS transformed the way people navigate outdoors. Over the last 15 years, several indoor localization technologies have been proposed and experimented by both academia and industry. A major problem is that the proposed solutions are evaluated in different conditions, which makes hard any comparison of their performance.

03 Jun 2016
As of 2020, 5G networks shall operate with a view to provide impetus for the age of “all-connected”

02 Jun 2016
A team of four researchers from University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), IMDEA Networks and Telefonica participated in the Data Science Hackathon contest celebrated in conjunction with the I-COM Global Summit 2016 with noteworthy results. The team excelled at a challenge involving social media analysis, winning one of two finalist awards thanks to the innovative and business oriented results achieved.

26 May 2016
5TONIC hosts first ETSI Open Source Group meeting on the Open Source MANO project.

16 May 2016
Rubén Cuevas, researcher and visiting professor at the department of Telematics Engineering of University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), is interviewed by the radio station Cadena SER MADRID SUR 94.4 FM about his research work on the business behind internet advertising.

26 Apr 2016
Dr. Joerg Widmer, Research Professor and Research Strategy Manager at IMDEA Networks Institute, has been awarded the “Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation”. Dr. Widmer has been honored for his academic achievements in the field of wireless networking.

22 Apr 2016
Vadim Kirilin is a new member of the IMDEA Networks research team, joining us as a PhD student from March 2016. He will be working in the NetEcon research group led by Sergey Gorinsky, Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks, and also Vadim’s Supervisor in relation to his PhD. The NetEcon research group studies economics of networked systems and its interplay with technology and security.

15 Apr 2016
5TONIC and IMDEA Networks Institute are proud to announce that the American multinational technology company INTEL has become a member of 5TONIC, the first laboratory of 5G excellence launched in Spain, founded by experts from Telefónica and IMDEA Networks with the purpose of creating an open ecosystem for innovation and investigation. 5TONIC was launched in autumn 2015 and in addition to the recent inclusion of INTEL, the laboratory also includes important members such as Ericsson Spain.

14 Apr 2016
Research activities in networks and future wireless communications are not merely restricted to on-land scenarios. Underwater acoustic networking is an emerging research area that is attracting more and more attention. Paolo Casari, Assistant Research Professor and leader of the Ubiquitous Wireless Networks Group at IMDEA Networks gives us a brief introduction to some of the aspects of this fascinating research area.

08 Apr 2016
Ginés García Avilés is a new member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be joining us as a PhD student from March 2016, supervised by Albert Banchs, Deputy Director of IMDEA Networks and Research Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M).