Professor Arturo Azcorra, Chairman of the Expert Advisory Group of the NetWorld2020 European Technology Platform and Vice chairman of the 5TONIC Lab, has been invited by the European Commission (EC) to join a European 5G scientific delegation to Brazil. Experts from both sides of the ocean meet this week to discuss the present and approaching future of 5G, the ultrafast mobile broadband technology that promises to become the most remarkable communications phenomenon of the decade.

19 Sep 2016
How will Internet be and how will it work a quarter of a century from now? To answer this question, Efe interviewed Spanish engineer Gonzalo Camarillo, the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society–ISOC, who tells us that by 2040, the Internet will be increasingly decentralized, intelligent, autonomous, automatic and omnipresent.

16 Sep 2016
The publication “Speeding Up mmWave Beam Training through Low-Complexity Hybrid Transceivers”, authored by a team of IMDEA Networks researchers has been recognized with the Best Student Paper Award at the 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) held on 4-7 September 2016 in Valencia, Spain.

15 Sep 2016
Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks Institute and Full Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid, is interviewed by the radio station Radio Exterior de España on the topic of 5G communications.

09 Sep 2016
Arturo Azcorra, Director of IMDEA Networks Institute and Full Professor at University Carlos III of Madrid, was interviewed yesterday by the radio station Cadena SER MADRID SUR 94.4 FM. In this radio interview Dr. Azcorra explains the meaning and implications of 5G technology for our everyday lives, and its expected social and economic impact.

07 Sep 2016
Over the last year IMDEA Networks researchers have been part of Flex5Gware, a project launched as part of the joint European effort to make 5G communications a reality by the year 2020. IMDEA Networks has established itself firmly at the heart of the global 5G research community leading up to the hyper-connected, network society of the not-far-off future. With the tantalizing promise of a thousand times more network capacity, 5G is an unquestionable landmark in the global competition for technological leadership.

23 Aug 2016
We reproduce here in full an article published by the online magazine and video channel Motherboard of Vice Media. The article is based on the publication ‘Superintelligence cannot be contained: Lessons from Computability Theory’, co-authored by Antonio Fernández Anta, Research Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute.

12 Aug 2016
Adrian Loch, a Post-Doc Researcher at IMDEA Networks working in the Wireless Networking Group led by Joerg Widmer, has received a Travel Grant to attend the 2016 edition of the ACM SIGCOMM conference to be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from August 22nd to the 26th, 2016.

08 Aug 2016
Visible Light Communication (VLC), sometimes also referred to as “Li-Fi”, uses standard off-the-shelf visible light LEDs to transmit data using the visible light spectrum. The idea is very simple: the light emitted by standard LED luminaries is modulated to transmit data at such high speed that the human eye cannot perceive light changes. In other terms, VLC is “like sending Morse code signal with a torch, but a much faster rate and using the alphabet that computers understand” (Prof. Haas, CNN news, Sept. 2012).

04 Aug 2016
Elnaz Alizadeh Jarchlo has become a member of the IMDEA Networks research team. She will be working as a PhD Student within the Ubiquitous Wireless Networks Group led by Dr. Paolo Casari. Her main areas of interest are Wireless Networks and Communications, Visible Light Communications, Sensor Networks, the Internet of Things, Distributed Networks, and Mobile Networks.