Visiting Professors
Visiting Professors share our research interests and spend their sabbatical with us for either one or two terms. They usually have several years' post-doctoral research experience and are interested in extending their horizons with a temporary assignment in a new environment.

Dr. Roberto GONZÁLEZ
Position: Visiting Professor
Organization of origin: NEC Laboratories Europe. Heidelberg. Baden-Württemberg. Germany
PhD: Telematic Engineering. University Carlos III of Madrid. Madrid. Spain
Research: Machine Learning; Data Mining; Big Data Analytics; Internet Measurements; Internet Services; Online Advertising; User Privacy
Joining Date: May 2018
Phone: +34 91 481 6919

Position: Visiting Professor
Affiliation: IMDEA Networks Institute and Chair of Excellence University Carlos III of Madrid - Banco Santander
University of origin: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Athens. Greece
PhD: Electrical Engineering. University of Virginia. Charlottesville. USA
Research: Analysis and Design aspects of Networking Technologies ranging from Link to Application Layers: Social, Mobile, Ad Hoc, Autonomic, Information-Centric, Delay-tolerant and Future Internet Networking; Network Resource Allocation Algorithms & Protocols, Traffic Management & Performance Evaluation; Content Dissemination, Placement & (Cooperative) Replication in Unstructured P2P and Social Networks; (Human-Driven) Decision Making in Competitive Environments
Joining Date: Mar 2017
Phone: +34 91 481 6938
- Dr. Stavrakakis' stay from March 2017 to February 2018 was funded under the Chairs of Excellence Programme of the Comunidad de Madrid. From March 2018 he is a Chair of Excellence grantee from the UC3M-Banco Santander programme.
- Ioannis Stavrakakis was a member of the Scientific Council and of the Board of Trustees of IMDEA Networks from 2007 to 2017.