Research Assistant Professors
Research Assistant Professors at IMDEA Networks Institute are bright researchers at the beginning of their research career, who want to establish a strong research group based on their research vision. They lead their own team of PhD Students and post-doctoral researchers and collaborate with top Research Associate Professors. Research Assistant Professors are not required to teach, so they can focus full-time on research if they so wish.

Dr. Paolo CASARI
Position: Research Assistant Professor
PhD: Information Engineering, University of Padova. Italy
Previous Position: Senior Postdoctoral Researcher. University of Padova. Italy
Research: Underwater communications and networking; Cloud computing; Machine learning; Passive sensing and localization in wireless networks
Joining Date: Jan 2015
Phone: +34 91 481 6937

Dr. Kirill KOGAN
Position: Research Assistant Professor
PhD: Communication Systems Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Israel
Previous Position: Postdoctoral Fellow. Purdue University. West Lafayette. Indiana. USA
Research: Admission Control and Buffer Management; Packet Classification; Software-Defined Networking; Network Functions Virtualization
Joining Date: Jan 2015
Phone: +34 91 481 6936

Position: Research Assistant Professor
PhD: Computer Science. University of Cambridge. Cambridge. UK
Previous Position: Research Staff. International Computer Science Institute (ICSI). Berkeley. CA. USA
Research: Network and Traffic Measurements; Mobile Privacy and Security; IoT
Joining Date: Oct 2016
Phone: +34 91 481 6956