Roberto Calvo Palomino has become a member of our research team. He will be working as a PhD Student from September 2014, under the supervision of Domenico Giustiniano, a Research Assistant Professor at IMDEA Networks.

16 Sep 2014
To meet our everyday needs in an increasingly multifaceted technological world is a challenge that pushes researchers to find innovative tools using a multidisciplinary approach. We inhabit a globalized planet, made up of complex systems, where domains such as communications, business, healthcare, energy or transportation converge, interact and integrate. In this context, a thriving technology trend applies the concept of animal swarms or swarming to the development of complex systems that bridge the gap amongst disciplines as dissimilar as biology, robotics or networking.

11 Sep 2014
Professor Arturo Azcorra, a pioneer of internet and network science research in Spain, has been elected member of the Partnership Board of the 5G Infrastructure Association. This body provides European-wide leadership in the design of next-generation advanced communication systems. The ultrafast mobile broadband technology of the future, branded as 5G, will be the foundation of the future Internet, and is expected to withstand data connections 1,000 times heavier than today's.

05 Sep 2014
IMDEA Networks Institute announces the completion of the MEDIANET research project. It has accomplished remarkable scientific advances in the optimization of the network and multimedia services that will enable the evolution towards a future internet geared towards video streaming.

19 Aug 2014
Cloud computing is not only the latest revolution in the ICT world, but a key enhancer of innovation and economic development. Within the framework of the project CLOUDS, Madrid-based researchers have made crucial scientific advances in the state-of-the-art of cloud computing.

13 Aug 2014
A US patent has been granted to Antonio Fernández Anta, Research Professor at IMDEA Networks. Patent US 8,554,894 B2 on ‘Network scheduling for energy efficiency’ addresses the need to reduce the costs associated to the operation of an increasingly vast global telecommunication infrastructure.

12 Aug 2014
Evgenia Christoforou, a PhD Student at IMDEA Networks under the supervision of Dr. Antonio Fernández Anta, has been selected to participate in the 2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum.

28 Jul 2014
From the ancient astrolabe to the contemporary GPS, navigation tools have evolved alongside other aspects of technological advancement, fostering the essential human capacity to communicate. The need for increasingly accurate location and positioning systems is becoming yet more pressing in line with the ultimate goal to provide pervasive, ubiquitous and mobile network services, allowing anytime anywhere connectivity to all.

23 Jul 2014
Francois Clad has become a member of our research team. He will occupy the position of Post-Doc Researcher from July 2014. His main areas of scientific interest currently lie in IP routing, segment routing and Internet measurements.

21 Jul 2014
IMDEA Networks has announced that Dr. Kirill Kogan will join the Institute in autumn 2014 in the role of Research Assistant Professor. He is a promising researcher with several years of experience in the broad area of networked systems. Dr. Kogan has proven his ability as a highly talented scientist and his mixed theoretical and practical background will contribute to strengthen the Institute’s research record.