Since the inception of the information age, the flow of global communications and networking has increased exponentially. As a result, we now have access to more data than was ever thought possible.

28 May 2015
Wireless technologies are more or less ubiquitous on land. Checking emails and messages on a smart cell phone, connecting a laptop to the WiFi and browsing the internet, or listening to music via a Bluetooth headset have become quite normal activities in the daily routine of almost everybody.

26 May 2015
5G networks are set to be operational in 2020 and will be the gateway to the age of “intelligent everything”. In addition to increasing workers’ productivity, they will improve their quality of life.

19 May 2015
The Madrid region will invest € 16.7 millions in the scientific activity of nearly 500 researchers from different nationalities working at the Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA). These researchers are involved in over 200 projects currently in progress. € 141.5m have been invested in the IMDEA institutes since their inception.

13 May 2015
Dr. Manuel Cebrián has become a member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be working as a Visiting Professor from May 2015. Cebrián's work lies at the intersection of computer science and social science. His primary interests include social and financial networks, crowdsourcing, urban economics, behavioral game theory and evolutionary dynamics.

11 May 2015
Gonzalo Camarillo, a member of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Networks, has been appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society (ISOC) with effect July 2015 and for a term of office of three years. The ISOC is the world’s independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards, and future development. Its diverse Board of Trustees is dedicated to ensuring the Internet stays open, transparent and defined by its users.

08 May 2015
IMDEA Networks has announced the launch of an ambitious research project to measure mobile broadband networks in Europe. It aims to provide objective data to help us understand and improve the quality experienced by the end-user.

04 May 2015
Qing Wang, a PhD Student at IMDEA Networks Institute, has been awarded the "2014 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed (non-government sponsored) Students Abroad" from the China Scholarship Council (CSC).

30 Apr 2015
Dr. Adrian Loch has become a member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be working as a Post-Doc Researcher from April 2015, as part of the Wireless Networking Group, led by Dr. Joerg Widmer, Research Professor at the Madrid Institute. His main areas of interest lie in cooperative communication for both wireless access and wireless multihop networks, including routing issues as well as practical validation on wireless testbeds.

27 Apr 2015
Connectivity is something we take for granted in our daily lives, a reality that we can hardly do without but, at the same time, regarding which many of us are unaware of its true magnitude and the enormous complexity behind it.