Researchers at IMDEA Networks design a novel social-aware network architecture that exploits information originated on online social networks to improve network efficiency and users' quality-of-experience.

03 Aug 2015
Half of the news that appear on Twitter as “trending topics” goes unmentioned in the traditional news media, and when both sources carry the same stories, 60% appear first on the social network. These are some of the conclusions of a study which analyses the dissemination of news on Twitter compared with the traditional media.

24 Jul 2015
IMDEA Networks Institute is part of an international consortium that aims to develop concepts and key components for a new 5G mobile radio access technology. The technology is expected to operate in a range of frequency bands between 6 and 100 GHz, including millimetre-wave (mmWave) frequencies.

23 Jul 2015
Arturo Azcorra from IMDEA Networks / University Carlos III of Madrid explains the European 5G-Crosshaul project of the 5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP).

20 Jul 2015
The 5G-Crosshaul project, part of the European H2020 5G Public-Private Partnership (5G PPP) Infrastructure, will define and develop the next generation of integrated fronthaul and backhaul networks that will respond to the needs of the future 5G communications system

16 Jul 2015
The Expert Group of NetWorld 2020, the European Technology Platform for communication networks and services together with the Vision Group of the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) held a joint workshop in Paris last June, collocated with the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2015).

13 Jul 2015
Dr. Boavida brings to the research team extensive research experience in areas broadly including wireless sensor networks, mobility, quality of service and computer networks.

10 Jul 2015
Researchers at IMDEA Networks invent the simplest solution available today to swiftly build a mobile wireless positioning system in a new indoor environment. Unlike other systems, it requires neither manual and costly offline pre-calibration nor any special hardware.

07 Jul 2015
5G NORMA project, part of the 5G Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (5GPPP) initiative, will define the overall 5G mobile network architecture, including radio and core networks, to meet the demanding 5G multiservice requirements.

29 Jun 2015
Maurizio Rea has become a member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be working as a PhD Student from July 2015, as part of the Pervasive Wireless Systems Group, led by Dr. Domenico Giustiniano, Research Assistant Professor at the Madrid Institute. His main areas of interest are WLAN indoor localization, wireless networks and data analysis.