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Dr. Aditya Amah new Post-Doc Researcher

Aditya AmahDr. Aditya Amah has become a member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be working as a Post-Doc Researcher from January 2015, as part of the Wireless Networking Group, led by Dr. Joerg Widmer, Research Professor at the Institute. His main areas of interest lie in cooperative communication, relaying and beamforming.

Dr. Amah received his BSc degree in Electronics Engineering from Satya Wacana Christian University (Salatiga, Indonesia) in 2000. He went on to obtain both his MSc and Dr.-Ing. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from TU Darmstadt (Germany), in 2007 and 2011, respectively.

Prior to his incorporation to IMDEA Networks, Dr. Amah occupied several academic roles. After working for Schlumberger during 2001, he joined Petra Christian University (Surabaya, Indonesia) as Academic Staff from 2002 to 2005.  Later on, after concluding his PhD, he undertook a Postdoc position at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) from 2011 to 2014.

Post-Doc Researchers at IMDEA Networks

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