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Mihai Moraru new PhD Student
IMDEA Networks Institute

Mihai Moraru has become a member of our research team. Starting from October 2013, he will be working as a PhD Student under the supervision of Dr. Dejan Kostić, Research Associate Professor at the Institute.

Mihai became an Ingénieur diplômé de l’INSA de Lyon in 2013 after completing a five-year Engineering program in Telecommunications, including a one-year academic exchange at EFPL (SysCom). He also received the Master Recherche en Informatique de Lyon (Computer Graphics).

During his studies Mihai completed several R&D internships on diverse topics such as formal verification (Verimag, Grenoble), space optimization (SquareClock, Paris – now Dassault Systèmes), data mining (LIRIS, Lyon) or network analysis (IMDEA Networks, Madrid).

His research interests currently lie in computer networks and distributed systems.

PhD Students at IMDEA Networks

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