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Preparing Income Tax Returns in the Cloud | Entropy as a Measure of Privacy

Despite the growing popularity of virtualized services, privacy in the cloud remains an unresolved problem. Companies, such as Turbo Tax, are selling services that prepare income tax returns on-line, in the cloud. However, when the Turbo Tax computer site is compromised, all of its customer’s personal data will be released. Experience dictates that all computer sites are eventually hacked or compromised by human failures.

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Challenge: Resolving data center power bill disputes: the energy-performance trade-offs of consolidation

In this paper we challenge the common evaluation practices used for Virtual Machine (VM) consolidation, such as simulation and small testbeds, which fail to capture the fundamental trade-off between energy consumption and performance. We identify a number of over-simplifying assumptions which are typically made about the energy consumption and performance characteristics of modern networked systems.

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OpenVLC: a Research Platform for Visible Light Communication Networks

In this talk, we introduce the OpenVLC, a software-defined open-source research platform for Visible Light Communication (VLC) networks. Built around the embedded Linux platform BeagleBone Black together with simple optoelectronic transceiver front-end, OpenVLC offers a basic physical layer, a set of essential medium access primitives, as well as interoperability with Internet protocols.

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Séptimo Taller de Trabajo Anual de IMDEA Networks: Big Data y Cloud Computing

Los datos masivos o datos a gran escala (Big Data) y la computación en la nube (Cloud Computing) son dos paradigmas que están evolucionando codo con codo y revolucionando como vivimos y trabajamos. La cantidad de datos que se genera en el mundo aumenta cada día, y no hay indicios de que esta tendencia se vaya a detener a corto plazo (o nunca).

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