Ciencia y cientÃficos de cine ¿la realidad supera a la ficción?
¿Qué tal «se llevan» la ciencia y el cine? ¿Es cierto que, muchas veces, la realidad supera a la ficción?
¿Qué tal «se llevan» la ciencia y el cine? ¿Es cierto que, muchas veces, la realidad supera a la ficción?
The Internet is an evolving ecosystem where a multitude of interconnected networks, or Autonomous Systems (ASes), support global connectivity of end users.Â
Imagine a network in which you address information: literally, packet-level addressing of *information* rather than hosts. For example, you may request the front page of El PaÃs with a request packet addressed to "the front page of El PaÃs"! Then the network forwards the request to some server that can produce the right data (possibly cached) and then delivers that data back to you.Â
Middleboxes, such as proxies, firewalls and NATs play an important role in the modern Internet ecosystem. On one hand, they perform advanced functions, e.g. traffic shaping, security or enhancing application performance.
Technology now offers the possibility of delivering a vast range of low-cost people-centric services to citizens. Internet of Things (IoT) supporting technologies are becoming robust, viable and cheaper.
In a multi-channel wireless network, each node is able to use multiple non-overlapping frequency channels, by having more network interface cards.
We have experienced an era in the world of innovation where the stars have been the entrepreneurs. Small startups or even individuals were able to turn their ideas into big business and, in many cases, overcome large companies with a long tradition in the market.
Mobile robots collaborate in order to solve efficiently the central problems in algorithmics of distributed computing like searching/exploration, rendez-vous or pattern formation.Â
The impact of car accidents in human lives calls for a profound understanding of accident risk. However, the unpredictability of accidents and the unfeasibility of their reproduction make it difficult to identify the causes and patterns underlying individual accidents.
The rising number of mobile devices and their increasing computational capabilities enable new interactive context-sensitive applications.