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Indoor Localization Using Commercial Off-The-Shelf 60 GHz Access Points

The very large bandwidth available in the 60 GHz band allows, in principle, to design highly accurate positioning systems. Integrating such systems with standard protocols (e.g., IEEE 802.11ad) is crucial for the deployment of location-based services, but it is also challenging and limits the design choices.

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Formalizing and Implementing Distributed Ledger Objects

Despite the hype about blockchains and distributed ledgers, no formal abstraction of these objects has been proposed. To face this issue, in this paper we provide a proper formulation of a distributed ledger object. In brief, we define a ledger object as a sequence of records, and we provide the operations and the properties that such an object should support. 

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SEMPER: A Stateless Traffic Engineering Solution for WAN based on MP-TCP

Enterprise Networking has a strong set of requirements in terms of resiliency, reliability and resources usage. With current approaches being based on monolithic and expensive infrastructures using dedicated overlay links, providers are moving to more economical hybrid solutions that encompass private dedicated links with public/regular Internet connections.

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Juega a través de la luz

IMDEA Networks participa en uno de los stands interactivos del evento de un día de duración "Aula Planeta Ciencia", con una actividad sobre la comunicación por luz visible (VLC, por sus siglas en inglés), una tecnología que emplea LEDs de uso habitual para transmitir datos empleando el espectro de luz visible.

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Decentralized Blockchain-based Organizations for Bootstrapping the Collaborative Economy

Can we build platforms that are decentralized, democratic, and where profit is distributed? In this talk, I will present P2P Models (, a new ERC 1.5M€ research project to build Blockchain-powered organizations.


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Meeting the Challenges of the Protocol Level Issues for 5G Networks

Among the primary challenges of the roll out 5G networks are the protocol level issues it faces. Issues such as mm-wave beamforming, initial access, MAC layer design, mm-wave localization, network architectures, are all proving to be key elements that must be addressed.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Methods for revealing and reshaping the African Internet ecosystem as a case study for developing regions: From isolated networks to a connected continent

While connecting end-users worldwide, the Internet increasingly promotes local development by making challenges much simpler to overcome, regardless of the field in which it is used: governance, economy, education, health, etc.

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