Various towns in the Autonomous Community of Madrid
Coordination: General Directorate for Universities and Research, through madri+d System, Autonomous Community of Madrid
In the context of "Researchers' Night, Madrid 2010 - Creativity for progress in Europe", the IMDEA initiative will take part in the “Why I am a scientist” event, through the participation of directors from each one of the eight member institutes.
Why I am a scientist
Organiser: Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies (IMDEA)
Hour: From 18:00 p.m to 19:30 p.m
Place of the event and transport:
Medialab Prado
C/ Alameda, 15. Madrid
Metro: Atocha y Cercanías: Atocha
Buses: 6, 10, 14, 19, 26, 27, 32, 34, 37 y 45
Aim of the activity: The basic aim of this activity is to give an insight on research professionals, their training, motivations, objectives… in an attempt to do away with the traditional view of researchers as oddities, persons slightly detached from society, only concerned about what happens inside their “laboratory”.
Participants will realize how interesting the research world is, where effort is not so much compensated in monetary terms but with the possibility of doing what one likes, working with intelligent and extremely motivated people, where the priority is to find solutions for problems in society. Who has never dreamed about meeting a Nobel Prize Winner? Or, better yet, who would not like to travel to Stockholm to collect this reward for one’s work?
Activity summary: The directors of the eight Madrid Institutes for Advanced Studies (IMDEA), specialising in eight different areas of knowledge- Water, Food, Social Sciences, Energy, Materials, Nanoscience, Networks and Software-, will be part of a round table, chaired by a publicly known scientific figure, where discussions will be held about the reason for his scientific vocation. In order to examine the issue in depth, those invited to the round table will reply to questions such as: Is the society aware of the importance of research?, What can society demand of scientists?, And scientists of society?
The round table discussions will be recorded by madri+d so that the event can be followed from other parts of the building, as well on the website of mi+d System.
Participants will realize that, beyond any separating differences, areas of study, training, professional careers, etc. there is a mutual bond: a huge interest in furthering their knowledge and commitment to their work.
This activity will show researchers in a very attractive light, as persons fully involved in their work and very committed to becoming useful for society. To get to know magnificent researchers, up close, in their respective fields, and to be aware of their huge qualifications and intelligence, without forgetting their great sense of humour and huge interest to learn from others, will offer a very attractive research career for young students who are currently making life decisions.
Public to which it is addressed: Students and the public, with an interest in science and technology.
- Eloy García Calvo - Director of Institute IMDEA, Water.
- Manuela Juárez - Director of Institute IMDEA, Food.
- Benigno Valdés - Director of Institute IMDEA, Social Sciences.
- David Serrano - Director of Institute IMDEA, Energy.
- Javier Llorca - Director of Institute IMDEA, Materials.
- Rodolfo Miranda - Director of Institute IMDEA, Nanoscience.
- Albert Banchs - Deputy Director, Institute IMDEA, Networks.
- Manuel Hermenegildo - Director of Institute IMDEA, Software.
The round table will be chaired by a publicly known scientific figure.
Begoña Moreno
Telephone: (+34) 91 488 85 63 // 91 613 10 71
Fax: (+34) 91 488 85 64
Web Site:
No reservation necessary.

Other activities held during Researchers’ Night, Madrid 2010:
- Science and scientists in the Royal Botanical Garden
- A night in the Moncloa Campus museums
- Magic and Science
- Electrical bacteria playing Handel’s music in the pond
- Pyrotechnics and chemistry: light, fire, colour and smoke
- Botanical Gardens: a haven for different species of vegetation in Europe
- Statistical Trivial Pursuit
- Scientific café: The machine against man. Myth or reality?
- Antonio Meucci: the cable of fate
- Physics, coffee and jazz: how they can be used to develop spatial optic instruments
- Geocatching: A treasure hunt using GPS
- From Europe to the Sky: a walk on the Moon
- The restoration puzzle or the science of impossibilities
- Why I am a scientist
- Are waves visible at night in Europe? The invisible and unsettling world of wireless communications
- Energy and the environment: looking for the planet we need
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