P2P networks do not escape being a vehicle for the transmission of malicious files. A new software tool developed in Spain, Torrent Guard, will serve us as our ally to prevent and easily detect this type of files that disguise themselves under the appearance of legitimate contents in the BitTorrent network.

29 Aug 2012
Dr. Kostić, holder of a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Investigator Award since 2010, devotes his current research to tackle the complexity of distributed systems – such as the World Wide Web - which constitute the foundation of our society's IT infrastructure.

27 Aug 2012
One third of all torrents uploaded to The Pirate Bay point to malware or scams, researchers report. While Pirate Bay moderators are usually quick to remove suspect torrents they can’t prevent millions of people from downloading these fake files.

12 Jul 2012
Interview with Zhi-Li Zhang, professor at the department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Minnesota (USA), and Chair of Excellence at Carlos III University of Madrid, sponsored by the Telematic Engineering department.

06 Jul 2012
Dr. Boukerche brings to the team extensive research experience in areas broadly including wireless communication, distributed and mobile computing, ad hoc and sensor networks, vehicular networks, wireless multimedia and distributed simulation systems.
Download Press release (132 KB)

28 Jun 2012
A Graduation Project for the Telematics Engineering degree written by a PhD student working at IMDEA Networks, chosen as a nationwide finalist in the XXXII Edition of the Awards to the Best Doctoral Dissertations and Graduation Projects granted by the Official College of Telecommunication Engineers (COIT) / Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers (AEIT).

15 Jun 2012
The research project, carried out in cooperation with two industrial partners, Zed and Factory Holding Company 25, is developing a new paradigm in the area of operating systems for internet-connected devices, based on open source code.
Download Press release (117 KB)

14 Jun 2012
The Telematics Engineering degree of the Carlos III University of Madrid leads the Top 50 University Degrees ranking published by ‘El Mundo’ newspaper in May.

12 Jun 2012
Balaji is a Full Researcher at Institute IMDEA Networks. He earned his Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas in Austin in 2009 and 2004, respectively, and the degree of Engineer in Electronics and Communications from the University of Madras in 2002. His current research fields include measurements, models and performance evaluation in wired and wireless networks.

12 Apr 2012
FLAVIA (FLexible Architecture for Virtualizable future wireless Internet Access) is the name of a European project aiming to revolution the market of wireless devices.