Interview with Professor James F. Kurose, Assistant Director for the Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE), at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the USA. Dr. Kurose is a member of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Networks Institute (Spain) since 2006 and has been a member of its Board of Trustees until 2014.

15 Jan 2015
Pierre Francois has been appointed Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks. He is a long-standing member of the Madrid research institute, having incorporated to the team in September 2011. His outstanding track record in his previous role as Research Assistant Professor has now been rewarded with this promotion to a tenure-track position.

09 Jan 2015
IMDEA Networks announces a Provisional US Patent Application called “Beam Steering for Highly Directional Wireless Communication on Multi-Frequency Band Enabled Systems Using Angle of Arrival Detection”. This is a joint patent between IMDEA Networks (inventors: Thomas Nitsche & Joerg Widmer) and Rice University, USA (inventors: Adriana B. Flores Miranda & Edward W. Knightly).

08 Jan 2015
PhD students, postdocs and personal wishing to apply for a mobility scholarship between Europe and Japan and the Republic of Korea can now apply to the program Technologies for information and communication, Europe - East Asia Mobilities (TEAM) up until 1 February 2015.

07 Jan 2015
Interview with Dr. Ralf Steinmetz, Full Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Computer Science at Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), as well as Director of the Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM) at the said university. Dr. Steinmetz is the recipient of a Chair of Excellence Universidad Carlos III de Madrid-Banco Santander for the current academic year and has just joined IMDEA Networks Institute as a Visiting Professor.

22 Dec 2014
The ‘Madri+d’ Foundation for Knowledge and the network of Madrid Research Institutes IMDEA have announced the opening of a joint European Projects Bureau.

17 Dec 2014
Interview with Dr. Gustavo de Veciana, Cullen Trust Professor at University of Texas at Austin, and member of the Board of Trustees and of the Scientific Council of IMDEA Networks. This interview was recorded in June 2014 during the celebration of the IMDEA Networks’ 6th Annual International Workshop: 5G Network Revolution.

15 Dec 2014
Dr. Gustavo de Veciana, Cullen Trust Professor at University of Texas at Austin (USA), has been appointed member of the Board of Trustees of IMDEA Networks Institute. The Board is the highest organ of governance, representation and administration of the Spanish research Institute.

10 Dec 2014
Communication networks are evolving to keep pace with increasing consumer needs and business demands. We’ve already experienced the progressive jumps from 1G to 4G wireless networks and 5G is looming in the not-too-distant future. But 5G is much more than 4G plus 1. In the manner of an evolutionary leap, 5G technologies and ICT networks bring the global competition for technological leadership to a whole new level. This is a truly wireless environment that will realize the promise of near-instantaneous, zero-distance online connectivity at any time, from anywhere and from almost any device or terminal.

03 Dec 2014
Cloud computing and Big Data are the two top innovation hubs in ICT. Together they have the potential to become pivotal enhancers of social transformation and economic development for many years to come.