The award-winning paper "Informing Protocol Design Through Crowdsourcing: the Case of Pervasive Encryption” to be included in a special edition of SIGCOMM CCR and presented at the RAIM 2015 Workshop in Yokohama, Japan.

23 Sep 2015
Edgar Arribas is a new member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be joining us as a PhD student from September 2015, working for the Opportunistic Architecture Lab (OppArch Lab).

21 Sep 2015
IMDEA Networks Institute has been included as one of the key 5G partners in the cross-industry 5G research and development program launched by Ericsson under the name 5G for Europe.

16 Sep 2015
Borja Fernández Vico is joining IMDEA Networks Institute as a Research Engineer from September 2015.

14 Sep 2015
Researchers from IMDEA Networks Institute have designed a new cloud infrastructure that shall take mobile traffic volume to new heights and is already setting the pace for further advances on the development of future 5G networks.

09 Sep 2015
Dario Bega is a new member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be working as a PhD student from September 2015, becoming part of the NETCOM Lab and working directly under the supervision of Albert Banchs, Deputy Director at IMDEA Networks.

04 Sep 2015
Guillermo Bielsa is a new member of the IMDEA Networks research team. He will be joining us as a PhD student from September 2015, working for the Wireless Networking Group, led by Dr. Joerg Widmer, Research Professor at the Institute, who will also be acting as his supervisor in his PhD research process. Among Guillermo´s main interests are Wireless Networks, 60 GHz Communication, IEEE 802.11ad, Wireless Testbed Experiments and Performance Evaluation. His PhD will likewise focus on the field of Telematics Engineering.

31 Aug 2015
Dr. Ralf Steinmetz from the Technische Universität Darmstadt joined IMDEA Networks in January 2015 in the role of Visiting Researcher, bringing to the research team extensive experience in several Computer and Networking Science topics. Dr. Steinmetz was simultaneously appointed to the eminent role of Chair of Excellence University Carlos III of Madrid-Banco de Santarder. His research visit concludes in August 2015.

26 Aug 2015
Marco Gramaglia returns to IMDEA Networks Institute to join our team of Post-Doc Researchers from September 2015. Marco has been a member of the Institute’s Alumni Network since 2012, date in which he obtained his PhD in Telematics Engineering.

14 Aug 2015
Three Internship Students who joined IMDEA Networks for 6 months thanks to the Telefónica Talentum Startups initiative have successfully concluded the Institute’s internship program, during which they have also collaborated with researchers from University Carlos III of Madrid.