A 5G Convergent Virtualised Radio Access Network Living at the Edge
Antonio de la Oliva
Funded by:
European Union. ICT Programme H2020
September 2017 to August 2019

5G-CORAL aims at delivering a convergent 5G multi-RAT access through an integrated virtualised edge and fog solution that is flexible, scalable, and interoperable with other domains including transport (fronthaul, backhaul), core and clouds. The major objectives are to:
• Develop a system model that includes use cases, requirements, architecture, and business models to design and validate the 5G-CORAL solution
• Design virtualised RAN functions, services, and applications for hosting in the 5G-CORAL Edge and Fog computing System (EFS)
• Design an Orchestration and Control system (OCS) for dynamic federation and optimised allocation of 5G-CORAL EFS resources
• Integrate and demonstrate 5G-CORAL technologies in large-scale testbeds making use of facilities offered by Taiwan, and measure their KPIs
• Disseminate and contribute 5G-CORAL results into international research and innovation venues to pave the way for their successful exploitation
Through the 5G-CORAL solution, several Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be achieved, notably an ultra-low end-to-end latency in the order of milliseconds. Moreover, new business prospects arise with new stakeholders in the value chain, notably small players owning computing and networking assets in the local service area, such as in shopping malls, airports, trains and cars.