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Distributed power and rate control in wireless networks

The standard interference functions introduced by Yates have been very influential on the analysis and design of distributed power control laws. While powerful and versatile, the framework has some drawbacks: the existence of fixed-points has to be established separately, and no guarantees are given on the rate of convergence of the iterates.

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Defensa Tesis Doctoral: Enhancement in Spectrum Management Techniques for Heterogeneous 5G Future Networks

In the last decade, cellular networks are undergoing with a radical change in their basic design foundations. The huge increase in traffic demand requires a novel design of future cellular networks.

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El laboratorio 5TONIC, fundado por Telefónica e IMDEA Networks con el objetivo de crear un ecosistema abierto de innovación e investigación donde la industria y el mundo académico trabajen juntos para impulsar el desarrollo de las tecnologías 5G y de su entorno de emprendimiento.  Los dos fundadores, Telefónica e IMDEA Networks redoblan así su compromiso con el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías 5G. Ericsson se convierte en el primer fabricante en adherirse a esta iniciativa, como parte de su programa 5G for Europe.


Boosting Efficiency in Smart Wearable Devices through Biometric Signal Compression

Modern wearable devices allow monitoring vital parameters such as heart or respiratory rates, electrocardiogram, photo-plethysmographic or even video signals, and are being massively commercialized in the consumer electronics market.

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