Room 4.1F03, Telematics Department, Torres Quevedo Building, University Carlos III of Madrid, Avda. Universidad, 30, 28911 Leganes – Madrid
On Security and Quality of Service in Multihop Wireless Networks Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Wireless Mesh Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks have attracted remarkable attention in the research community in recent years. Fashioned from whatever devices are immediately available, the self-organizing nature of these networks promises spontaneous, untethered communication in absence of infrastructure, or the organic growth of wireless meshed networks. However, the fact that ad hoc and mesh networks are not yetdeployed at large indicates that they are not ready for prime time. This talk discusses selected issues in the area of quality of service and security for multihop wireless networks. We start with an overview on the work carried out at the Mobile Networking & Ubiquitous Communications group at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
We then focus on the topic areas of security and quality of service in multihop wireless networks: first, we discuss the effects of node misbehavior in mobile ad hoc network and present solutions to mitigate the aforementioned effects; second, we investigate the aspect of quality of service provisioning in wireless mesh networks based on the MeSH mode of operation of the IEEE 802.16 standard.

The conference will be conducted in English